Cinema Studies Institute undergraduate student, Kasia Peruzzi's short film, The Maidenswood was selected for screening at The Toronto Short Film Festival (March 22-31, 2021).
The story goes that girls fleeing violence, abuse, grief and despair could find refuge in the Maidenswood at the edge of town, where they slowly transformed into the trees, bushes and flowers which made up the forest. Diana, a young girl reeling from the return of her abusive father, begins to hear the Maidenswood's call.
Kasia Peruzzi created The Maidenswood in conjunction with her research creation project, Wild Women: Women, Nature and Film, which received the funding support of the Undergraduate Research Fund (URF).
The Toronto Short Film Festival tickets are now available. The Maidenswood is currently screening as part of Shorts Block 2. Ticket holders can re-watch purchased blocks as many times as they would like. They will also be able to rate the films they see for the Festival's Audience Awards.
Congratulations, Kasia!