Funding Support
Students accepted into our programs will receive a base funding package. For domestic MA students, this will be a base funding package for 1 year. For all PhD students, this will be a base funding package each year for 4 years. We are currently not accepting international MA students.
For September 2024, the base funding will include tuition and fees, and $23,250. The base funding may include income from a variety of sources including external awards such as SSHRC, OGS, teaching assistantships, research assistantships, UTF payments and other sources. Please note that income from hourly employment is taxable.
For September 2025, the base funding for MA students is TBD (see, but will likely be approximately $30,750 ($21,750 net of tuition) or higher. The base funding may include income from a variety of sources including external awards such as SSHRC, OGS, teaching assistantships, research assistantships, UTF payments and other sources. Please note that income from hourly employment is taxable. We will update this when available.
For September 2025, the base funding for PhD students will be $40,000 (approx. $31,000 net of tuition). The base funding may include income from a variety of sources including external awards such as SSHRC, OGS, teaching assistantships, research assistantships, UTF payments and other sources. Please note that income from hourly employment is taxable. (The University of Toronto is increasing the base funding amount for PhD students to $40,000 effective fall 2025. Read the university's announcement and visit the School of Graduate Studies website for frequently asked questions.)
International ("visa") students will be provided with additional funding to cover UHIP (Health Insurance).
If you submit your application by the deadline for full-time study in one of our programs, you will be assured of consideration for base funding. We follow the standard rules concerning base funding as laid out in How Funding Works: Research Stream and the associated Base Funding FAQ.
To qualify for this base funding, the student must remain in good academic standing.
In 2024-25, we will consider students in the funded cohorts for Teaching Assistantships and Grading Positions that are part of the base funding. Our policy in 2024-25 is to offer incoming MA and PhD students Teaching Assistantships/Grading Positions that total 170 hours plus 6 hours of first-contract training (the number of hours may change in future years). Students must apply for teaching assistantships and grading positions in order to be considered. Returning students in the funded cohort are re-appointed a number of hours based on standard CUPE Unit 1 reappointment guidelines. We will also incorporate the new clause for reappointments for MA students based on the 2024 Memorandum of Agreement. Decisions are made in accordance with University hiring policies for CUPE Unit 1. Students may elect to voluntarily decline a Teaching Assistantship/Grading position, with the understanding that it will reduce the base funding by the amount normally supplied by the Teaching/Grading position.
Please contact the Graduate Program Assistant at for more information.
Tuition Fees
The most current fees can be seen at Tuition Fees.
Financial Aid & Advising
Financial Aid and Advising at the School of Graduate Studies can provide students with a wealth of information on awards and resources at the University of Toronto. Personalized financial counselling is also available. If you have any questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, please visit Financial Advising.