Workshop with Chandler Levack and Lindsay Blair Goeldner

When and Where

Friday, March 24, 2023 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Innis Town Hall
Innis College
2 Sussex Avenue, Toronto, ON M5S 1J5


Chandler Levack
Lindsay Blair Goeldner


Find out how Cinema Studies Institute alumnae, Chandler Levack and Lindsay Blair Goeldner got their start in the film industry and how their time at CSI helped get them there.  

Chandler Levack grew up in Burlington, Ontario, and lives in Toronto where she studied cinema at the University of Toronto and screenwriting at the Canadian Film Centre. She has directed numerous music videos, earning two JUNO nominations. Also a veteran arts journalist and critic, she has contributed to such publications as The Globe & Mail, The Village Voice and Maisonneuve, with articles for the latter resulting in two Canadian National Magazine Awards nominations. Her short film We Forgot to Break Up (2017) premiered at TIFF and SXSW. I Like Movies is her feature debut.

Lindsay Blair Goeldner is a film producer and the Director of Production at Fae Pictures, an award-winning media production company on a mission to decolonize Hollywood. Originally hailing from Toronto, she is currently based in New York City. Starting her producing career in the commercial world, she pivoted to narrative and episodic after being admitted to the Canadian Film Centre's prestigious Producer Lab in 2019. She has produced and overseen production on notable and groundbreaking projects including short films Diaspora (dir. Tyler Mckenzie Evans), Scaring Women at Night (dir. Karimah Zakia Issa), Death Valley (dir. Grace Sloan); feature films such as Learn to Swim (dir. Thyrone Tommy), I Like Movies (dir. Chandler Levack) which was selected as one of Canada's Top Ten films of 2022; and soon-to-be-released series Streams Flow from a River (dir. Christopher Yip), to name a few. When she's not on set or at a karaoke night, you can find her recommending movies on TikTok.