Invisible Adversaries by Valie Export
When and Where
A schizophrenic artist, Anna, believes that alien doubles, Hyksos, are invading the earth. In Export’s first feature film, Anna’s crisis, whether one of illness or of prophecy, becomes an occasion for exploring the relationship between body and reflection.
“…a tour de force of cinematic invention.” Gene Youngblood, 1978 Los Angeles International Film Exposition.
Invisible Adversaries (Valie Export and Peter Weibel, 1978, 110 minutes, 16mm-on-digital)
AD HOC aims to rethink what an experience of cinema can be. We seek to reposition historical landmarks and buried treasures within the on-going tradition of experimental and other non- commercial modes of filmmaking, drawing on work from Toronto, throughout Canada, and internationally. Within these parameters, we aspire to diversity in programming, as well as to multimedia and interdisciplinary screening events that bring together varied communities.
AD HOC = Stephen Broomer, Madi Piller, Jim Shedden, Tess Takahashi, Bart Testa.
AD HOC is made possible thanks to the sponsorship of Innis College and the Cinema Studies Institute at the University of Toronto. AD HOC would like to thank James Cahill, Denise Ing, Charlie Keil, and the staff of Innis College and the Cinema Studies Institute.