Hollis Frampton screening and book launch

When and Where

Thursday, June 15, 2023 7:00 pm to Friday, June 16, 2023 9:00 pm
Deluxe Screening Room, IN-222E
Innis College
2 Sussex Avenue, Toronto, ON M5S 1J5


MIchael Zryd


Join us next Thursday and Friday for a book launch and screening, hosted by AD HOC and the Cinema Studies Institute of Michael Zryd's Hollis Frampton: Navigating the Infinite Cinema! 7PM, room 222E. Over the course of two nights, we will screen the whole of Frampton's seven-part serial work Hapax Legomena.

Michael Zryd on Frampton's series' title: "Hapax Legomena engages a playful tension between specificity and generalization. The Latin term hapax legomena translates as 'things said once,' denoting when a word appears only once in a work or oeuvre. The term points to singularities, which Frampton immediately complicates by using it as the title for a serial work in which there is repetition, difference, and development. Even the title itself is 'said twice,' recycled from a poetry volume he had previously planned to write."


Cinema Studies Institute, ad hoc