Justin J. Morris
Justin Morris is a member of the Cinema Studies Insititute's initial PhD cohort. His dissertation project is titled Constellated Media: Serial Stars, Feminist Film Historiography, and Intermedial Hollywood. The project theorizes media objects traditionally considered "para-" or "extra-" textual to film (such as star images, promotional materials, merchandise, comic strips, autobiographical writings, popular songs, etc.) to argue that these serialized forms offered an alternative site for women's creative production in Hollywood after the Second World War. Reading the wealth of feminist film historiography devoted to "early" cinema against the grain, the project introduces the term "constellated media" to develop a novel historiographical practice for reading such objects.
Justin previously taught CIN105Y1 - Introduction to Film Study at CSI, as well as several courses on serial media around campus for the departments of American Studies, Book and Media Studies, and Cinema Studies.
His writing can be found in The Velvet Light Trap, CineAction, Discourse, the Canadian Journal of Film Studies, and The Soundtrack Album: Listening to Media (Routledge, 2020). Justin's current project concerns Anne Murray's TV specials for the CBC in the 1970s and 80s.
- CIN215H1S - Fantasy Film