Jillian Vasko
Jillian Vasko is a filmmaker and PhD candidate at the Cinema Studies Institute at the University of Toronto. In 2014 she graduated from McGill University with a Hons. BA, majoring in English (specializing in Cultural Studies) and History. She completed a Master of Film Studies at the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema at Concordia University in 2017. Her SSHRC-funded dissertation research reconceptualizes contemporary notions of ‘value’ and ‘labor’ as they structure prevailing accounts of the relation between bodies, media, and capital. Jillian’s research interests include Affect Theory; New Media; Labor; Reality TV; the Internet; Performance Studies; Global New Wave Cinemas; and the Cold War. She is devoted to anti-colonial, intersectional, and creative methodologies.
- CIN322H1F - Cult Cinema